'Schoggihärzli', 'Zimtsterne', 'Kräbeli' front

  Take the white of 3 eggs and a pinch of salt. Whip it till it's white like snow.
Ad 200 gram of icing sugar...
...whip till it looks a kind of shiny. Put 1/3 for glace into another container.
Ad 1 table spoon of cimmanon, 0,5 table spoon of lemon juice and 350 gram of grind almond to the 2/3 of white mass.

No, do not eat secretly!

Roll the dough to about 1 centimeter and cut stars.
Put them onto the baking tray...
...and take the glace to put it on top of every peace.
Leave them on the baking tray for a couple of hours. Put it into the oven for 5 minutes and a temperature of 250 degrees celsius (480F).
Let the cookies cool down before you eat them.

en guete!