
Flash Player Help

Global security settings for content creators

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Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager itself. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings.

If you create or manage content that runs in Flash Player 8 or later, the information on this page is relevant for you. If not, see Global Security Settings panel instead.

You are most likely seeing this page because you are testing your SWF or FLV content locally, and that content is trying to use older security rules to communicate with the Internet. This page provides information about how to test your content locally when it runs in Flash Player 8 or later. You can get more detailed information here.

As a Flash developer, you might often work on SWF or FLV content that is eventually deployed on the Internet. During development of these applications, you might need to perform testing while the SWF or FLV content is stored locally on your own computer, rather than deployed on a web server. In this local testing situation, Flash Player might show security warnings that prevent your application from functioning as intended. You can resolve this issue by using the Settings Manager to designate your own SWF or FLV content as trusted.

(Flash Player 8 and later only) To specify that SWF or FLV content on your computer may communicate with the Internet:

  1. In the Global Security Settings panel, above, click the pop-up menu and select Add Location.

    The Add Location box opens. If you arrived at the Settings Manager by clicking the Settings button in a dialog box, the Add Location box contains a path that looks something like C:\directoryname\filename.swf or /Users/directoryname/filename.swf; this path tells you which file tried to communicate with the Internet and was stopped by Flash Player security. If the path contains the content that you want to let communicate with the Internet, copy and paste the path into the Trust this location box. Or, click one of the Browse buttons and find the content yourself.

    Identify a directory or directories on your local file system that you know contains only your own work, and does not contain SWF or FLV content you might download from other sources. When you add a directory, all the files and subdirectories in that directory are trusted. Avoid trusting top-level directories.
  2. Click Confirm.

    The location is added to the Security Settings panel. Locations listed are always allowed to communicate with the Internet, even if the Always Deny or Always Ask options at the top of the Security panel are selected.

    After you add trusted locations, you must restart the local SWF or FLV content by either refreshing the browser or restarting the player.