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Film director Lynn Drzick and Stuart MacDonald pose with the heads of the two monsters of the film. The yellow stained skull Stuart holds is that of the main monster of the film, the "Devil Dog", it has large teeth and three long horns stick from its snout. Lynn is holding the head of the other monster in the film, it's made of a rubbery material and has long brown hair in the back. The monster's long head is characterized by its light brown skin and jagged teeth. Stuart wears a black and blue button up with Hawaiian decals on it . Lynn wears a white, blue and red plaid button up. Signs of famous older films like Dawn of the Dead and The Black Hole can be seen to the left of the image. An arcade machine can also be seen to their right.
Michael Symonds
Known for its campy dialogue, In the Woods has a small but dedicated following.
Cover art for “Project Freedom,” by Jordan Hamilton
Courtesy of the artist
A conversation with Jordan Hamilton