
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.92 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9207764
AED 3.66929 JPY 156.1
ARS 889.267 KRW 1361.94
AUD 1.49761 MAD 9.92496
BRL 5.09843 MXN 16.5884
CAD 1.36406 NOK 10.6524
CHF 0.90998 NZD 1.63859
CNY 7.08731 PHP 58.1093
CZK 22.7378 PLN 3.9159
DKK 6.87058 RUB 90.2267
EUR 0.920776 SEK 10.682
GBP 0.786214 SGD 1.34661
HKD 7.79964 THB 36.2878
HUF 354.917 TRY 32.2228
ILS 3.66902 USD 1
INR 83.2428 ZAR 18.0455
BHD 0.376598 MYR 4.69398
BOB 6.91411 NAD 18.1386
CLP 885.361 NGN 1531.45
COP 3822.23 NPR 133.321
DOP 58.6907 OMR 0.384746
EGP 46.6161 PAB 1.00065
IDR 15961.8 PEN 3.74424
IRR 42048.1 PKR 278.507
ISK 138.214 RON 4.58042
JMD 156.145 SAR 3.74839
JOD 0.708169 TWD 32.2724
KES 130.575 UAH 39.8377
KWD 0.3066 UYU 38.4033
LBP 89602.3 VES 36.506
LKR 299.825 VND 25445.5
AWG 1.80019 MGA 4422.22
BAM 1.80085 MKD 56.6692
BBD 2.02027 MUR 46.1125
BDT 117.224 MVR 15.4588
BGN 1.80085 PYG 7512.61
BMD 1.00258 QAR 3.64737
BSD 1.00065 RSD 107.862
BWP 13.4845 SCR 13.5676
FJD 2.25848 TND 3.10679
GHS 14.458 TTD 6.79165
GMD 67.7504 UGX 3807.41
GTQ 7.76472 XAF 603.99
KHR 4079.04 XCD 2.70282
LAK 21367.5 XOF 603.961
MDL 17.5806 XPF 110.261
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  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Mexican Peso - MXN
  5. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  6. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  7. Colombian Peso - COP
  8. Chinese Yuan - CNY
  9. Philippine Peso - PHP
  10. Japanese Yen - JPY