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ADHD reWired - Intensive Coaching and Accountability Groups. Spring Session Start April 11, 2024

Since 2014, ADHD reWired has been the leader in online intensive coaching groups. Recognized as a top "Innovative Program" at the International Conference on ADHD, featured in Attention magazine. We do growth through community.

Michael Carlini: Certified ADHD Coach Specializing in Executive Functioning for Doctors

Empower your medical career with Michael Carlini's ADHD coaching. As an ICF and JST Coaching-certified coach, he offers tailore...

Just Mind Counseling
Just Mind Counseling

Just Mind is an Austin-based husband-and-wife-run mental health practice that provides comprehensive psychological care to adul...

Featured EventEvery Tuesday

Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Moms Of Special Needs, Single & Married Women
Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Moms Of Special Needs, Single & Married Women

Two Experiential Trainings Per Month with Two Different Group Events that are coaching and writing based. Meaning you aren't ju...

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