First rankings & last night’s tech problems

Wow. Forgetting to add indices to production database was truly unfortunate. Game servers grew up to 11GB in memory usage, and web app response times slowed down to crawl. The tech team has been working on it, and the servers seem to be functioning smoothly already. Thanks for your patience!

Despite that, we still do have quite amazing lap times already. Some teams have even managed to make an impressive performance of under eight seconds. Quite cool for first day, isn’t it?

The top three worldwide of the moment:

      1.     CarGoFast, Canada: 07:68

       2.    FireEdge, Russia: 07:73

       3.   Silberpfeil, Canada: 07:73

Great; you guys stood out from the crowd this time. Congratulations on first day’s smart moves!

Do remember, though, that this truly is only the beginning. The laps that count, and the vicious final competitions, will be driven against other cars, steered by geniously coded AI.
