
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.92 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9211496
AED 3.67336 JPY 156.241
ARS 889.246 KRW 1363.81
AUD 1.49963 MAD 9.89269
BRL 5.12319 MXN 16.6225
CAD 1.36393 NOK 10.6676
CHF 0.911127 NZD 1.6409
CNY 7.0946 PHP 58.1503
CZK 22.7913 PLN 3.91694
DKK 6.87299 RUB 90.5005
EUR 0.92115 SEK 10.6914
GBP 0.786662 SGD 1.34711
HKD 7.80458 THB 36.4029
HUF 355.045 TRY 32.2264
ILS 3.66802 USD 1
INR 83.3198 ZAR 18.0601
BHD 0.376934 MYR 4.69588
BOB 6.91691 NAD 18.1459
CLP 885.72 NGN 1419.62
COP 3823.78 NPR 133.375
DOP 58.7134 OMR 0.384783
EGP 46.7447 PAB 1.00106
IDR 16007.5 PEN 3.73482
IRR 42084.6 PKR 278.483
ISK 138.287 RON 4.58217
JMD 156.209 SAR 3.75
JOD 0.708825 TWD 32.2604
KES 130.628 UAH 39.8538
KWD 0.30701 UYU 38.4349
LBP 89518.2 VES 36.5436
LKR 299.831 VND 25470.3
AWG 1.8 MGA 4441.32
BAM 1.80158 MKD 56.6922
BBD 2.02109 MUR 46.1404
BDT 117.272 MVR 15.4537
BGN 1.8014 PYG 7515.66
BMD 1.00245 QAR 3.64905
BSD 1.00106 RSD 107.906
BWP 13.4896 SCR 13.5925
FJD 2.26151 TND 3.10805
GHS 14.4639 TTD 6.7944
GMD 67.7751 UGX 3808.95
GTQ 7.76478 XAF 604.235
KHR 4080.69 XCD 2.70256
LAK 21376.2 XOF 604.205
MDL 17.581 XPF 110.526
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Colombian Peso - COP
  3. Australian Dollar - AUD
  4. Euro - EUR
  5. Mexican Peso - MXN
  6. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  7. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  8. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  9. Chinese Yuan - CNY
  10. Philippine Peso - PHP